The Collective Beat is home to an eclectic mix of artisans, designers, and entrepreneurial trendsetters who embody the laid-back and artsy vibe of the South Coast. 

Creatives, dreamers, makers, and small business owners - the collective folk are a diverse bunch with a mindset that embraces both whimsical flights of fancy and an earthy, practical business acumen. The Collective Beat provides a community-based retail launchpad that small businesses find supportive at all levels of their journey, from up-comers needing a nurturing environment to develop within, through to established artisans and business owners who thrive in the retail settings and love the camaraderie that comes with being part of a collective. 

With over 90 small businesses across our four store locations, so many people who have had a dream of starting their own business have found in The Collective Beat; a place where they can build their empire in the company of like-minded people who are facing the same challenges.

The Collective Beat Kiama was established in 2015 as a permanent, indoor marketplace setting for small businesses to grow in without having to contend with the vagaries of monthly markets or the usual retail overheads and responsibilities associated with a standalone store.

Local to the South Coast, The Collective Beat’s owner Sheree Bailey has grown the business to four stores in Kiama, Gerringong, Huskisson & The Mill Marketplace in Pyree. 

2020 was a tough year… bushfires, followed closely by Covid-19… small, local businesses on the South Coast really felt the full force of the catastrophic fires followed by pandemic, and the members of The Collective Beat were no exception. Thankfully, the local community has seen us through these tough times - we’re grateful that the townships have pulled together to support small businesses, and have embraced spending locally.

Do you have a unique product you would love to bring the community?

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